شكرا على اختياركم حضانة افتح يا سمسم!

ستقوم موظفة التسجيل بالتواصل معكم قريبا لاعلامكم بالخطوات اللازمة لإتمام عملية التسجيل

Enroll Now - Online Registration form.

Child's Information
Parent / Guardian Information
Child Medical Information

Media / Photography Consent
Parental Contract
Welcome to Sesame Street Private Nursery. As we would like to make your experience with us the best that it can be, we would like to inform you of some of the regulations that we would like to adhere to.
These terms and conditions are in place to ensure that no conflict arises whilst your child is at the nursery.
  • Students can only be accepted for a minimum of one month. All placements are for full-time provision, we do not offer part-time provision.
  • ALL fees are fixed. No deductions can be made for a child absent from nursery due to illness, vacation or transfers.
  • All fees MUST be paid in advance of each month or term in order to maintain the child’s place at nursery.
  • In case of refund, the proper form (available with admin) should be completed and given to admin along with an official letter stating the reason for the refund. Refunds will be paid by cheque after approval. The nursery reserves the right to approve at their discretion.
  • If your child uses our bus system, parents need to provide car sea for their child as per DOT guidelines. If your child is absent, please call ahead to the driver so he is not waiting unnecessarily.
  • All students are required to wear nursery uniform at ALL times, unless otherwise directed.
  • We recommend that your child wears comfortable shoes with a rubber sole, for safety reasons.
  • No jewelry is to be worn or toys to be brought to nursery. We cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage of personal effects brought on to the nursery premises.
  • We operate a healthy eating / drinking policy and ask that you support us by providing enough food for two or three healthy snacks each day. (Your child’s teacher will inform you how many snack breaks your child will have). If unhealthy food is sent, this will be removed from your child’s lunch box and returned to you at the end of the day.
  • Children are to be dropped off at main reception, where they will be escorted to their class / play area by a member of Sesame Street staff. To protect all children, we keep the inside area only for nursery staff and students.
  • As a courtesy to other students, please do not send your child to nursery if they show signs of illness. Any child showing signs of illness will be sent home immediately.
  • If an incident occurs at nursery involving your child, you will receive a telephone call from the nurse. This is a courtesy call and does not necessarily mean that your child needs collecting, however the nurse will advise at the time.
  • The conduct and behavior of each child is of utmost importance at Sesame Street and we will work with parents wherever issues arise.
  • The staff are happy to see parents at the start or end of the nursery day (07:30 – 08:00 and 14:00 – 14:30) for a discussion about their child. We ask that you request this appointment by contacting the admin staff at main reception. At NO time can parents enter the classroom and disturb the activity of the teacher and children.
  • Abusive and aggressive behaviour from parents will not be tolerated. Parents /guardians who have any complaint or issue must make an appointment to see the Head of Nursery.
  • Biting, fighting and aggressive behaviour are serious offences and cannot be tolerated in the Nursery environment. For the safety and well-being of our students, any child that exhibits this behaviour may be requested to leave at the Nursery's discretion.
  • At Sesame Street nursery, we have a duty of care to ALL children and reserve the right to recommend further assessment, medical intervention or placement at alternative nursery, should the need arise.
  • The nursery reserves the right to ask any child to leave the nursery at its discretion.
Kindly bring the following documents when you visit the nursery to complete the enrollment process:
  • Passport size photo of the child.
  • Copy of Child’s Valid Passport, Visa page, Emirates ID, Birth Certificate and Vaccination History Report
  • Copy of Sponsor’s Valid Passport and Visa page
Note: Original Emirates ID of both parents and child along with electrical bill with the premise ID will be required in the nursery to complete your child registration in the ADEK E-sis.